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1 gimp mode jimboobs, jimbooobs (2) 230,006,078 1,253
2 Raiders scpez, dralins, swindled, rngisbetter, reesnfriends, nocru, shawn93 (7) 250,169,324 1,245
3 Egoose nodorga, fiber, plew, sungam, ytoobgib (5) 223,687,215 1,241
4 Diamond Hunt mask, gimp sniffin, gimpy old ma (3) 262,945,502 1,199
5 Papaya dapapayateam, imsoobad43 (2) 102,975,069 1,177
6 Diamond Hunters brog team, coleftw, falco (3) 103,908,601 1,141
7 Les hommes smitty carry, smitty is me (2) 191,180,346 1,106
8 The Retards dreadcenteam, grehelm8, yumyumdog, momaswatchig, synthcherry, grindminion, dreadestbolt, cryonettixx (8) 101,831,236 1,076
9 501st thordan, thordren (2) 65,115,355 1,070
10 Sweaty Nerds nerdyfox202, nerdyjelze (2) 64,324,911 976
11 AmyAndTheFeralCats feralhobnob, feralzlef, feralpiet, feralamy, feralcammy, feraljay, ferallone, feralofnades (8) 75,088,632 967
12 Hardcoreteam hardcoreteam, pestcontrol3 (2) 32,766,494 902
13 DANs RNG iidaniit, dol darkstal, undefinedt2, catolotl2, popcornsolos, yruhere, disint (7) 102,325,358 879
14 SeyreebenPeri18 erynprotego, skeepee, pericles, lord bubble (4) 34,710,196 859
15 darkzone miniadri1, herband1, nymers, dracope (4) 80,711,550 820
16 Tsunami namusti, namitsu (2) 17,401,329 771
17 Bestteamever bestteamever, war criminal, skmedits, kenteams, kip, swimispro t (6) 36,105,340 767
18 Snowbunny Heaven josh diddy, matmot114514, bakiny18, whyiolent (4) 26,916,712 735
19 CounterStruck3 mrbigdaddy, google home, ching, methaddict, ottcr, finalminecap, thebigbaot, thenomad (8) 23,188,576 715
20 HDB tug, heizungauf6 (2) 20,105,288 710
21 MONKEPOLIS sam333, sam3332, jzteamer, kermalon11, realestjesus, felphen123, inf99, clackzy69 (8) 71,273,126 710
22 Idlers waffles12121, da boss31355, thespike6398 (3) 18,164,570 634
23 Team1 crerist, olack, nemlisis, driaf (4) 16,155,547 618
24 Septentrion adubhe, bemerak, gaphecda, demegrez, epalioth, zemizar (6) 12,128,639 615
25 Siuuuuuuuu nilu12352, ekansh2, nilu12353, nilu12354 (4) 15,562,315 609
26 BaconNotFound snakebacon, realusername, beepojeepo, agopteam, demonlord999, tuck7, holy1, crxckyt (8) 16,529,277 597
27 Nicole Pixel tamiante, grantaire2, tamiante2, gimlylol, francoislego, hopital (6) 20,453,203 593
28 Anoboys ethanoboy, yeetbio1 (2) 6,838,530 574
29 SunAndRainbows sunluck1, sunluck2, sunluck3, sunluck4, rainluck1, rainluck2, rainluck3, rainluck4 (8) 14,178,589 545
30 The Bugs lacusta, mangusta, paianjen, lepidoptere, mantoptera, dicondylia, tetrapulmon, aeshnoidea (8) 11,947,902 535
31 a 0 a 0, a 0 (2) 5,514,332 532
32 Hermits mumbo jumbo, griian (2) 7,481,671 508
33 Hunt xxenithht, riptidet999 (2) 4,918,950 481
34 Dounford dounford1, dounford2, dounford3, dounford4, dounford5, dounford6, dounford7, dounford8 (8) 15,144,651 473
35 TUATs tuatliam, tuatjens, tuatfraser, tuatsuper01, tuatmajk1ez, uttertuat, tuat h12, tuatdaddypoo (8) 10,891,271 466
36 Blood Diamonds edtanker, leseratte2, clickbaid, strohball2, matzeinteam (5) 6,202,562 466
37 wakandaforever tanjaja, dommekoe, daguro2, tanjaja2, kankeraap (5) 6,573,271 451
38 Zodiac alies, gemini, cancer, virgo, libra, scorpius, sagittarius, aquarius (8) 3,539,432 419
39 CGzada hdlie2, hiralie1, kaloshin, endertrust12, hdlie3 (5) 7,321,395 416
40 GroundAsparaguis xarasiundish, drgn (2) 2,413,936 400
41 Idle Raiders cuberverse1, fullpieced, kiankng, bigball1234, lildicky, big boyy, darkl0rd, lutyer (8) 3,837,701 398
42 Habulikset jaahas, pottukasa, kostaja, noharmi, habilidonti, orja3, orja2, orja1 (8) 2,917,152 393
43 Femboys tallfemboy, shortfemboy, mediumfemboy (3) 2,180,390 383
44 District 12 soul3aters, tosalty4her, soul3aters1, tosalty4him (4) 2,714,177 371
45 Garry gabs jr, sayriss, ledro, smitty4ever, droniix (5) 2,203,323 365
46 FlashbangingCucumber lawn mower, damandamyth, tortoiseteam, brrrt1, debacleteam, whydoitry (6) 3,369,861 362
47 sillyboisfr wilsongaming, sillyboi (2) 1,235,158 332
48 Atlantic atlantic, shapedswordt, methhead, swim teams, mockedapuff, dragonninja, gamesteams, toto teams (8) 1,242,981 316
49 Breakfast Buffet cookedbacon, toastedbread, toastoro, omelette, dsausage, beansontoast, madmodpotato, orange juice (8) 989,021 307
50 storm nojoke, nobugnow (2) 691,276 297
51 Pixels h12 h12, ralph u92, namelessone, sunny167, fruimanreal (5) 4,783,075 295
52 Last Noob Standing noobbody, undeadnoob, dashernoob, noobody home (4) 1,389,997 290
53 poor notstonks, nostonks, phutsorn, paythepro, naitsa (5) 822,616 286
54 SOIDASSOIDALS ankbonkax342, figmentofair, swindle2, tehg0d2, kandykunt, void out, imagebrush, shiesty (8) 1,886,523 281
55 dwarves ejteams, notyesntxdd (2) 902,753 279
56 SwedishMob cloudness96, something0, andensson (3) 834,170 274
57 TheDistancer chaosstube, xbutterflyx (2) 1,208,002 267
58 Assyria isaacgb, goron123 (2) 592,492 266
59 The Biggers zyzee, tee24 (2) 2,788,913 265
60 Antisocial blorble, florble (2) 612,014 263
61 Kickass poopoo oogabooga69, sc000170, mnbvcxzfgh, altttttt (4) 824,015 260
62 Technos temmtech, otherkendar (2) 485,313 255
63 Edging Monkeys jdsijqioteam, hc monke2 (2) 629,208 254
64 aaaaa undefinedt, notsogoodyt (2) 587,790 251
65 Nights8 nightsteam, frosty21t (2) 451,945 250
66 SinisterSquad helppp, ricksanchez, kingsinister (3) 559,498 249
67 detards r066ie2, boreduht (2) 457,206 246
68 run goldencrayon, mrgood4311, foxfire, glyphgolden (4) 1,808,722 243
69 starters rehan987, farhanali, zain786, rehanali (4) 1,133,087 242
70 T123 t22bbboi3, t333 (2) 386,490 240
71 Bad idea badideahere, bad idea2, bobbobbobbob, ethan13 (4) 632,745 239
72 mono rnjteam, okoko, lege (3) 493,433 237
73 MelonLikeMenLikesMen melonbirdt, melonlikemen, melonbirdfp, aidise, aidisbae, aidisbe, aidisba, aidisae (8) 541,766 235
74 TeamBacons teambacon, baconalt1, baconalt2 (3) 436,512 227
75 Ballsuckers suckmyballs, aliveebony, phobictech52, jhosler26, supplyer1, supplyer2, supplyer3 (7) 2,032,494 226
76 BestPlayers llk, jjjjjjjkk, dogeisme, the bos, bigboytom, wolfygamer, 9th grader24 (7) 523,449 221
77 rshrshrsh h1llary, hills2 (2) 382,726 216
78 CYBER feku0, mattysyplum2, wearenoobs84, lovenuggies4 (4) 601,671 214
79 8AccountsIdling soloteam, soloteam2, soloteam3, soloteam4, soloteam5, soloteam6, soloteam7, soloteam8 (8) 798,462 213
80 El rat sonictherat, amytherat, stickstherat, knuckltherat (4) 510,374 213
81 Hellooooo dab, galaxylord1, dab3 (3) 1,084,135 211
82 Slasgay olver, slaske, olver2, olver3, olver4 (5) 377,653 208
83 DogeTm dogebeasttm, dogebeasttm2, dogebeasttm3, banana tm, banana tm2, banana tm3 (6) 301,962 206
84 teamelders team elders, the blackhun, hellhunter, starteam, hc monke (5) 588,281 194
85 The Cow Fish Clan cowbeanthing, mancowfish, beans x cow, dafishstick (4) 241,870 187
86 Spaghettios nuclearsilly, mr outlet, wellerinzz (3) 264,437 186
87 Traders investor1, investor2, investor3, investor4, investor5, investor6, investor7, investor8 (8) 339,093 185
88 gabago firre0, willekille, fargblindsmu, snerik00, geniem1 (5) 115,047 180
89 DaKiwiTeam teamninja, arikiwiteams, kiwiteamalt1, kiwiteamalt2, kiwiteamalt3, kiwiteamalt4, kiwiteamalt5, kiwiteamalt6 (8) 444,691 180
90 HighTimes kaylanlasky, shuffles (2) 324,400 180
91 sesh den z0pa, kab2 (2) 144,692 175
92 Blitz stanthepan13, addelynn111 (2) 285,565 175
93 OG team og team, imperail, guest002 (3) 521,399 174
94 thecranberrytugs cramberrytug, wellerinzzz (2) 254,758 168
95 dekirus dekiru1, dekiru2, dekiru3, dekiru4, dekiru5, dekiru6, dekiru7, dekiru8 (8) 218,017 160
96 WHPS azzaisgod1, sigmaas, helojxjx1, zingyzongy11, aryaaaaaaaan, sulgsarujan, azzaisgod3, jzwhpsteamer (8) 200,301 160
97 UltFusion1000 fusion1000, fusion900, fusion800 (3) 112,434 155
98 soloman soloman1, soloman2, soloman3, soloman4, soloman5, soloman6, soloman7, soloman8 (8) 295,740 153
99 Helojxjx team helojxjx2, helojxjx4, helojxjx5, helojxjxzv (4) 151,993 150
100 Win soy es pasta, dont sell, soy niel (3) 250,841 149
101 School team prince16, raven teams, levih8999999 (3) 194,764 146
102 dzulfian dzulfian1nr3, dzulfian1nr2 (2) 54,477 146
103 Theboys 1tytyteyteam, thathat, hjasrtreyu (3) 163,389 144
104 The Dragons blckdrgns, whtdrgns, grndrgns, rddrgns, bldrgns, yllwdrgns, prpldrgns, rngdrgns (8) 94,124 143
105 Clickin Chickens cluck norris, mothercluckr, nachonugget, nixninja, pollopwn3r (5) 344,018 142
106 SugarMetaCookieBlade sugarmets, cyberblade, vanilla258 (3) 111,073 141
107 Insouciant Project insouciant, terrance12, terry1 (3) 115,343 139
108 gng sxble, rico3, monkey man, theangelgoat, dontae123 (5) 213,088 136
109 ICE is coming liamjw0214, funtime2573, notmeeep, monkeis, iceborderpat (5) 140,091 135
110 OveeBeatrice babypenguin8, snowshine159 (2) 98,505 128
111 Im in School djboss19, mryellow570 (2) 51,813 125
112 Gods jonahiscool, boboboy1234 (2) 55,726 125
113 why do i need one puffmoka, monke4, spaceturtle, tmodekhanh1 (4) 181,970 123
114 Aalifdotcom aalif, aleef (2) 72,396 120
115 WW2 ww2alastor, ww2rotsala, ww2anthony, thecwalemart, spiritedaway (5) 48,948 114
116 Testies team leader, team member, team member2, team member3, team member4, team member5, team member6, team member7 (8) 729,435 114
117 Superalttrader superteam01, superteam02 (2) 76,618 114
118 PenguinEevee penguineevee, eeveepenguin, eeguin, pengvee, eeveesrgood, hist, im smitty, no thanks (8) 90,968 112
119 Shadow shadow1, shadow2, shadow 3, acommunism (4) 127,934 111
120 penguin felli1, felli2, felli3 (3) 112,399 105
121 TDRM cermida, termina (2) 51,114 105
122 TheEmpire thecapital, trader1, trader2, trader3, trader4, trader5, trader6, trader7 (8) 41,804 103
123 Final guests kissmyaxe, demon time (2) 28,814 103
124 FeetLickers licker, lolipoop, ray (3) 21,345 99
125 crankitup crankitup, devonthegoat, mothegreat (3) 39,534 97
126 Rainbow Six d0kkaeb1, n0kk, dapperraptor (3) 97,980 95
127 bananaegghi bananaegghi, bananaegg (2) 52,928 93
128 Pointless People pointlesst, desink (2) 29,861 92
129 MONKYS im monky, 1coal, tanti758, ct1788, neutronstar (5) 58,282 90
130 Deforestation Nation yourdadsfav, yourmomsfav2 (2) 25,037 86
131 Random People spy1, mattysyplum1, lovenuggies2, fenikkusu0, sup3rzac7, fenikkusu00 (6) 38,111 86
132 3 little kids dab4, gakle, galaxylord2 (3) 30,350 86
133 30baller 30baller, nataniel b (2) 18,581 85
134 Neo N Mully Brothas neosteamacc, mullyteams (2) 24,528 84
135 poper buddys pop12, potato7 (2) 22,692 84
136 mining diamonds diamondmined, amongusteams (2) 21,320 83
137 generic team name 3s0t2r1c, vegathereal (2) 18,835 82
138 Clan Ilyushin ilyushin 1, ilyushin 2, ilyushin 3, ilyushin 4, ilyushin 5, ilyushin 6, ilyushin 7, ilyushin 8 (8) 13,215 77
139 Alastors alastors, srotsala, ccwalemart (3) 24,202 77
140 The Proots jackiemay, whitereaver3 (2) 19,761 77
141 Bjj jbb, bjj (2) 19,862 75
142 ifmumhadballsthendad angad211207t, hydeteam, angad2112070 (3) 21,149 73
143 NIGA DESTROYER thegod1234, masterkk (2) 20,104 71
144 iz patata mot2012, itz potatot (2) 15,980 70
145 TeamCreepers creeperleadr, creepers1, creepers2, creepers4, creepers3, creepers5, megacreeper, shinycreeper (8) 13,859 66
146 team zeragon zeragon 1, zeragon 2, zeragon 3, zeragon 4, zeragon 5, zeragon 6, zeragon 7, zeragon 8 (8) 8,347 66
147 sigma testing12354, 520177 2, i8sutnikteam (3) 10,582 65
148 DA GROOP fenikkusu001, zingyzongy (2) 6,154 59
149 Join me hiiiiss, alt traders (2) 19,530 56
150 TEEHEE fizhy, fozh (2) 9,701 56
151 CHEESEHOLTZ cheeseballst, cheeseballs2, pixelminer, creeparawman, iplayforfun7, craeperawmam (6) 16,013 55
152 MooMoo emoolya, emoolyb (2) 5,722 54
153 BO2 is better alastor2, jblns, 2rotsala (3) 8,330 53
154 The Winning Smile achidevoid, so1892, onew123c (3) 16,172 52
155 Abhishek ak8, ak88148 (2) 14,868 52
156 TonyHyperion632 tonyhyper, tonyhyperion (2) 11,485 51
157 General Store pcarmenc, alyce2021, phiachi, imperchaos (4) 8,313 50
158 TUAT tuat l jens, americanoob, fraze (3) 7,484 48
159 Ghibli ghibli toto, swim ghibli (2) 5,799 46
160 Diddy party iamdiddy, monkeball2, monketestica (3) 4,658 46
161 The group grinders natan3642, natan6778, natan6777 (3) 4,415 46
162 Testes testes1, testes2 (2) 6,794 45
163 Ej64 hiiamej, ejhasfrends (2) 3,304 43
164 Orimasutas orimasuta1, orimasuta2, orimasuta3, orimasuta4, orimasuta5, orimasuta6, orimasuta7, orimasuta8 (8) 3,761 43
165 abcde abcde1234, abcde123 (2) 3,191 42
166 5lives team2lives, 6lives, 7lives (3) 3,184 41
167 hello hellobaby, yooooo kuma (2) 2,629 39
168 LKTEAM lkteamer, lkteamer1, lkteamer2, lkteamer3, lkteamer4, lkteamer5, lkteamer6, lkteamer7 (8) 3,237 38
169 The stinky feet freddy koger, ilikefeet (2) 2,347 38
170 Poke poke1, poke2, poke3, poke4, poke5, poke6, poke7, poke8 (8) 3,501 37
171 Corruption corruption, fangzac10 (2) 2,951 37
172 AVA ava alastor, avacwalemart (2) 3,065 33
173 The Clans theclan1, theclan2 (2) 2,715 32
174 CookieSquad cookiemaster, overcooked, chipcookie, cookiedough (4) 2,978 29
175 pickl and snickl pickl, snickl (2) 2,322 29
176 Light work himothyt, himothyt2 (2) 1,561 29
177 friends oliver alt2, oliver alt3, kumayl3, lightzplayz3 (4) 1,044 26
178 brmbrmbrm notnotmeep, fieldkey5391 (2) 892 26
179 No more mining no mines, help 1, help 2, help 3, help 4 (5) 5,567 25
180 Team Monke monketeam, ultraking (2) 764 24
181 azzazachteam azzaisgod4, zach team1, azzaisgod5 (3) 1,096 24
182 GhibIi tototoro, ghibli (2) 674 20
183 Artifics Cult artific, underscore9, siffrin, orangechat, indexxsx29, idiot furry, purplskittle, darwizzy (8) 1,830 19
184 SRT sprucesoup21, smaps1 (2) 492 19
185 The Asians theworld520, chickencrazy (2) 464 17
186 loserville plattyuwu, sooyasoda (2) 220 17
187 pplp pplp, weinerlover (2) 153 17
188 ballsack gyyatrizz, ballsackclan, ballsacclan (3) 427 16
189 test teams tee temp, tee temp 2 (2) 91 16
190 Kotaro kotaro1, kotaro2, kotaro3 (3) 58 14
191 gagazozo gagaboubou, gagagougou (2) 30 14
192 tcount tcount, placeholder (2) 38 14
193 The Voices britney, iblamewolf (2) 9 14
194 Clan of the Juniors junior1, junior2 (2) 34 13
195 Blackies helpp, teamsinister (2) 0 13
196 sedgfreg testteam1, testteam2 (2) 0 13
197 SAM team samahi06, sam1 (2) 2 12
198 HEHE fenikkusu002, zingzongy (2) 1 12
199 Grinds spnalbasoot, fafaaf (2) 1 12
200 Abalonees abalone64, abalone642, abalone643, abalone644 (4) 0 12
201 FAKETEAM faketeam, fateteamer (2) 0 12
202 Faradox is a noob faradoxscrub, dwarfcookie (2) 0 12
203 Funny funnymoment, funnymoment1 (2) 0 12
204 gfrfgrf riluh, fefcs (2) 0 12
205 No Pickaxe no pickaxe, helper 1, helper 2, helper 3 (4) 0 12
206 SFR Yugoslavia sr serbia, sr croatia, sr bosnia, sr slovenia, sr montenegr, sr macedonia (6) 0 12
207 teamtestttt testing2, testing1 (2) 0 12
208 The ims im joe, im cute, im funny (3) 0 12