Disabling usage of items in breeding combat to investigate a server stability issue.
February 4, 2025
Breeding fight crafting stuff released.
Next breeding fight area released.
Items may now be used in breeding fights, such as horse armour.
Christmas event has now ended.
Actually working on Faradox btw.
The crazy announcement mentioned in the last update log is going to be announced soon.
January 16, 2025
Pig tier 2 & 3 released with their drops.
New potion.
Ability to pause breeding (Check for label below breeding items).
Prettier breeding animal tabs.
Fixed a bug with the undead staff which allowed players to smuggle hp/mana/defence bonuses between fights and stacking them.
Christmas event ends next week, and it will be impossible to upgrade your bell sigil when the event ends.
I have a crazy announcement coming in a month from now. Might have to livestream it.
December 26, 2024
Fixed a bug where equipping a haunted bow did not trigger the Christmas event task.
Fixed a bug where squidshroom level 3 did not provide yeild any products/loot.
Event: Completing a hard mansion raid while having the normal bell sigil will automatically upgrade the next time you login.
Added more collection log items.
December 23, 2024
Christmas event & new two new sigils has been released
All old christmas event sigils will become tradable shortly
Event will last until mid January
Fixed all issues with anima monster fighting encountering wrong enemies. (Now normal/hard/veryhard monsters now works as intended)
Players my now claim wooden staff in the collection log even if they lost it after buying it. The collection log was meant to be able to be completable.
December 19, 2024
Next fighting area for breeding released.
3 new raisable animals added to breeding stats.
All breeding animals in fights drop flesh.
Pig grease can now be used for 3 other items.
Pig ham has now been coded.
Reduced heat required for raw shrimp from 10 to 5.
UI: Gathering panels now show items clearer, and shows if you got them or not.
It is now more common of animals fighting mad chickens & lime bushes.
Using a combat lamp will no longer close the dialogue, which makes them easier to open in a row.
Fixed a bug where sometimes players got first hit without having horse perk.
Christmas event and new sigil is going to be released only on next patch.
December 14, 2024
So I just noticed that in animal fights, the 'rarity' was never applied when rolling for enemies, so basically everyone has gotten 1/1 rates for each monster. So what I did to find a middle ground here is reduced the rarity than what was previously intended, and fixed the issue.
Ability to toggle manual/automatic modes for animal attacks (example: peck).
Fixed a bug where animal fight #4 was not mapped correctly when clicked.
Loot dialogues should now always stack items by default.
Crafting popup/dialogue minor interface rework.
December 13, 2024
Fixed a bug where fighter trait and new slaughter house was not working.
Mad chicken now drops feathers to avoid having empty loot.
New upgradable slaughter house released, which allows you to select traits.
An animal that kills a selected target will automatically switch back to alive animals at random.
Peck damage from chicken has been nerfed from 3 + rand(3) to 2 + rand(2).
Fixed a bug where mad chicken and the 3 bushes were not tracked in the bestiary.
December 11, 2024
Animal fighting has been released! There's a bit too much detail to explain here so I'll just let you guys play it out. Please note that these big updates will most likely require balancing, and will probably require some reworks on core functions. I will keep an eye close.
Those who bought the fight trait from breeding shop now have a new icon in their breeding tab, containing some information about what animals can have this fight trait.
Pig grease now has a use.
Ability to catch new special animals with pig grease.
Ability to finish medium breeding achievements - oh and the reward has changed + a new requirement was added.
A new pen has been released, which can actually contain multiple types of animals.
A new invention from toy gears released allowing you to downgrade animal tiers.
Added a bunch of collection log items thanks to @Dralina + includes new items from this update.
Using a raid poiton during practice mode will give the potion's effect without consuming it.
QoL: Crafting an item via the popup now shows how much of the materials you own, and the popup is bigger.
December 5, 2024
Shop now available in breeding to use some tokens.
Ability to get shiny animals should you have the shiny crystal ball from breeding shop.
Collection log released - find it below achievement panel button on the left. Can you complete them all?
Clicking a boat now shows what possible fish to obtain.
I'm slowly adding legendary items similar to blood diamonds for each skill. 1 legendary per skill. See collection log for more details.
November 26, 2024
Official release date for animal fights is on december 11th. It's taking a lot of time as I'm adding more stuff related to it and reworking core mechanics. A lot of testing has failed so I need to fix it. This is quite complex.
Criptoe limited cards for halloween may no longer be obtained. Based on some comments on discord, I might not do this again. It will just make people hold unrevealed cards until holiday events.
Ability to claim your reward from the referral sytem yourself.
Fixed a bug with IP mutes.
Website now supports IPV6 ip addresses.
November 20, 2024
Reverting the update where dying in a raid still gave you loot. Maybe there is a middle ground to find here, like you get 1 loot roll only, or cannot roll uniques or something else. Right now though it will be reverted to what it was before and remaining that way until I come back to it.
Also unrelated to the change above, there will be a lobby system rework to enable kicking players, or invite players directly without having to share a link. That is planned to be release at the same time of the new raid in early 2025.
November 19, 2024
Added a new slaughter house function in breeding.
Fixed a bug where criptoes can go in the negative.
You will still be rewarded with loot if you die in a raid if your team completes it.
Trading card api released, you can find it in your criptoe trading card screen in game on the top.
Nerfed beaver breeding loot. Sorry guys, it was just too good.
Haunted trees may no longer grow.
Fixed a sneaky bug thanks to Anwinity about reproduction rates on animals. It may not have affected everyone, I'll let those who want to see the minor code difference here. Sorry @Salinte, I know you've made some research/data gathering on rates, and I've been following your stats on the wiki since day one, but now things might change slightly.
I've been working hard on animal fighting update which has become even bigger now. Currently coding special attacks per animal. I'm testing everything now, stay tuned for this.
November 14, 2024
I'm 80% away from releasing fighting breeding update. I'd like to let you know that this massive update is what will make the skill exciting. - You might be able to see some potential spoilers in this update.
Halloween event is now over. Your inactive undead sheeps have been removed. I decided to leave the active undead sheep active due to the XP accumulated.
Halloween tradables removed until next year's event.
Fixed a bug where some players got a connection/offline error when connecting to the game.
November 6, 2024
I'm 50% away from releasing fighting breeding update. You'll be able to build a team of animals to fight!
Awninity: Ability to click your XP under skills for each tab to bring you to the XP table.
All maintenance is over, if anyone or one of your friends has trouble connnecting to the game, as them to PM me on discord.
November 4, 2024
Final day of major server maintenance. There will be up to 1 hour of downtime on this one.
This maintenance should fix a bug where players we're randomly disconnecting.
November 2, 2024
I'm currently working on the crazy new update where you can send your breeding animals into different fighting areas / wilderness. Progress is going great, it should be released 7 days from now, and note that there will not be any updates until then as I need to test this huge update carefully.
Doing some maintenance on servers which may cause 5 - 15 minutes of downtime.
November 1, 2024
New limited edition event cards released - these are only available during the halloween event, which finishes in 2 weeks. They will not be available next year.
New breeding critpoe cards released.
World records for raiding times are now shown in raiding tab + raid times shown in loot popup
New red green orb.
October 30, 2024
One of the biggest part of breeding is on track to be released next week. You can see a bit of a teaser with this update...if you figure out how or get lucky. If you're not a chicken try to figure it out.
Toybox soldier trait is now working.
Buff small toy gears drop from toybox raids.
Fix some label errors.
October 29, 2024
Anwinity: Ability to search criptoe trading cards.
October 28, 2024
Halloween event released with new sigil: This event starts only when a haunted tree starts to grow.
All previous halloween related sigils can now be traded on the player market during the time of the event.
Sigil tooltips fixed.
October 26, 2024
Halloween event: to be released on Monday.
FP BACK and ENERGY BACK badges now work for raids.
Master ring now works on raid FP regeneration.
Ability to upgrade your FP cap in raids.
Small gears required to make new items have been reduced.
The price to purchase toy pen reduced by 25%.
Awinity: Fix shortcut for monster select potion on some upgrades.
Kalphite: Better diseased/dead indicications.
October 24, 2024
New 'animal' pen with its respective 'animal'.
New 'animal' released.
New beeding 'food'.
Tooltip changes for special items in raids: toy box.
Ability to kill multiple animals with one click, using new machinery mentioned below.
Ability to turn mushed product from camels into more breeding food, using new machinery mentioned below.
Ability to use invention with breeding, which includes the inventing of new machinery.
Ability to buy breeding insect food via bait.
Added a medium breeding achievement that can be completed.
Bug fix: Woodchips should no longer show up in foundry options if you own 0 of them.
October 21, 2024
All current animals except pigs now have tier 2, and tier 3 released. Almost all the items obtained from them also have a use. Note that some animals have much rarer chance of getting tier 2, much less tier 3s.
Crafting dialogue box when clicking an item (example: feathers) now has labels next to materials required + color coded
Toybox teddy bear slight hp nerf.
Those who crafted a balista before this update will automatically break down into a balista frame in a month from now. Prepare and get metal string from spiders t3.
October 19, 2024
Daily raid cooldown replaced with raid fight points - Work in progress.
Ability to run practice raids in hard mode.
Drop rates released for raids via tooltips.
Fix daily breeding food image for fish + slight improvement for daily food UI.
October 18, 2024
Major raid changes, I know not everyone will like it but I'm trying it out:
Raids no longer require FP to do.
Common loot table from both raids have been buffed by quite a bit.
Unique loot table from both raids are more common, including mega rares. Sigils remain the rarest.
The energy required to do a raid has increased.
Raids can now only be done once a day, which resets for everyone at the same time.
Reasoning/Question I asked myself: Should normal/hard raids only be doable once a day, without any FP cost but requiring more energy? The loot chance of getting rares/megarares would be increased significantly, which would avoid having to spam raids which can get stale rather quickly when running them 20+ times in a row. Practice runs would remain the same, that is, the ability to do them anytime for free.
Raid unique drops are now masked, until clicked to be revealed. Just to add a bit of suspense.
Breeding notification for animal loot on the left bar.
Ability to buy breeding food with stardust seeds.
October 16, 2024
Released medium breeding achievements. Went a bit harsh on these, if it's too hard let me know on discord. Also, some of them might require a trigger for the achievement to activate (Ex: Activating an animal tier 2)
The XP gain tracker is now automatically syncing.
Animal filtering has been released.
Woodchip nerfed from 50% to 25% charcoal yield.
Tooltip for inactive animal now shows what type of food they eat.
Minor interface changes on the left in combat equipment tab.
Fixed bug where monsters would sometimes fade in and out during a new fight - Thank you Anwinity for the pair programming session ;)
October 15, 2024
Ability to opt out of the API that allows chat bots, tools or player made scripts to view your variables / items.
Now storing xp snapshots of everyone which will allow the tracking of which player gained the most xp filtered by a time range. I could also open this to the API which could be used for interesting tools, e.g: Graphing progress of xp overtime, and even comparing it with others.
October 11, 2024
New updates will now be posted here.
Ability to middle click new presets when logging into multiple accounts.
Don't remember your password and have an old preset? Click here.
Full site rework as you obviously noticed is 80% done.
The most XP gained section on this page is being tested right now.
October 10, 2024
Login page reworked and adapted for mobile. Next big project is to make the main game mobile friendly.